Fractions and Percentages

If 40% of a number is equal to three-fifths of another number, and the first number is 90, what is the second number?


  1. Let the second number be x.

    We know that:

    40% of the first number (which is 90) is equal to three-fifths of the second number.
    This can be written as an equation: 0.4 × 90 = (3/5) × x

    Calculate 40% of 90: 0.4 × 90 = 36

    Now, the equation becomes: 36 = (3/5) × x

    To solve for x, multiply both sides of the equation by 5/3 to get rid of the fraction: x = 36 × (5/3) = (36 × 5) / 3 = 180 / 3 = 60

    Final Answer: The second number is 60.


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