What is the number?

This mystery number has 4 digits. Every digit is an odd number. None of the digits is a 9. Every digit in the number is different. The smallest digit is in the thousands place. The greatest digit is in the ones place. This describes two possible numbers. The mystery number is the greater of those two numbers. What is the mystery number?


  1. If every digit is odd and no digit is a 9 then we now know that the 4 digit number only uses the numbers: 1, 3, 5 and 7. If the greatest digit is in the ones place and the smallest in the thousands place your number would look like this:

    1 _ _ 7

    This gives you, as said in the question, 2 options as your answer:
    1357 and 1537

    The question then says the mystery number is the greater of those two giving you an answer of 1537.


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