The exam papers!

10 teachers can mark 180 exam papers in 3 hours. It takes each teacher the same amount of time to mark each exam paper.

(a) How many teachers would it take to mark 90 exam papers in 3 hours?

(b) How long would it take 5 teachers to mark 180 exam papers?

(c) How many exam papers could 20 teachers mark in 1 hour?


  1. (a) Because they have half the exam papers to mark in the same amount of time, it would be 5 teachers to mark 90 exam papers in 3 hours

    (b Because they have less people to mark the same amount of papers it would take double the time which is 6 hours

    (c) 20 teachers can mark 360 exam papers in 3 hours so they can mark 120 papers in one hour


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